Former football star Marcellus Wiley’s wife, Annemarie WileyGoldberg was described by a friend as “a gift for so many”.
“RIP Jay Goldberg. He was the one who delivered my children and helped me to get through two very difficult delivery.” she shared on Twitter. I will be holding my children tighter tonight, and I’ll thank him for his kindness and support.
Und Victory, Love star Betsy Brandt added, “I am absolutely heartbroken over the loss of Dr. Jay Goldberg…the world will be less bright and less beautiful without him.”
31 May Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-lenz, one of Goldberg’s co-workers at Women’s Care of Beverly Hills Medical Group, penned a poignant Facebook tribute to her “wonderful business partner” and encouraged others to donate to The Jay Goldberg OBGYN Resident Education Fund in his memory.
“To describe the magnitude of his loss, our patients, community, and most importantly, his family are devastated is not enough to convey it,” she wrote.
“I can’t believe I’ll never again get to roll my eyes at his dumb dad jokes or share a chat about our kids over a c-section,” she continued. He was an upright guy, who was always there for me even when I was hurt or when it was painful. I was a better person because of him. Our birth months were the same, so I told everyone I was the bad twin. He is clearly the better one.
Gilberg Inez also contained a statement written by Goldberg’s wife. StacyShe shared the following:
Jay is loved by so many. Stacy shared his legendary sense of humor. He never missed an opportunity for others to feel lighter, happier, more loved and more comfortable. Jay was a perfect example of what it meant to be a mansch. He was gentle, kind, caring, humorous, and sweet. Everybody who was close to him will miss him greatly.”