He supports his little girl.

Shaun WhiteRecently, the pilot flew over the Atlantic to see his girlfriend. Nina DobrevThe action-thriller is being shot by. BricklayerOn location in Thessaloniki (Greece). 

Multiple times throughout the month, this adorable couple were photographed in and around the Greek port city. They have been seen strolling around hand-in-hand, spending time with their dog and grabbing coffee with Nina’s parents. While Nina was filming, the snowboarder (35) and actress (33) took the time to walk around Athens.

Shaun’s romantic gesture comes two months after he competed at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. While Nina wasn’t able to make the tip due to COVID-19 protocol, she supported her boyfriend in thoughtful ways from afar.

“Her love and support’s been incredible,” Shaun exclusively told CelebHomes News during the games in February. She has been with me every step of the journey: calling me, training me and hiding items in my bag. I can count on her to be there for me whenever I need.