What is the maximum time you should wait to get married? Ask the participating couples. UltimatumThey’d most likely agree to it for two years.
Netflix—as in the brand behindLove is blind—introduced viewers to the stars of your new dating obsession on March 29. And interestingly enough, none of the couples have been together for more than three years.
RaeAnd ZayAlso, Lauren NateThe only people who are steady over the past two years is.
Per the series description, the couples were chosen because they’re “on the verge of marriage,” but one partner isn’t ready to take the leap just yet. As the clock ticks away, it was decided that they would have to commit to marriage within eight weeks or else.
The trailer was also published March 29th. April Tells Jake“I love and miss you, but I can’t wait anymore.” This is why I am giving you this ultimatum.