All I Know is that all you have to do is see. Kelly, Machine GunCheck out the latest selfies from!
The 31-year-old musician—who also goes by the Blonde Don—shared a series of photos to Instagram on Monday, Feb. 7, with a thumb-stopping one word caption. His proclivity to PDA with Megan FoxHe wrote “celibate”, in cryptic letters, on the six-photo posting.
A picture of MGK (real name) was the first selfie in our series. Colson BakerIn a black sweater with crystal letters reading “SEX”, The Instagram picture also shows MGK wearing matching, neon-yellow leopard biker pants with neon yellow nails. The series of selfies ended with videos featuring MGK, before he appeared on stage in Las Vegas’ NHL All-Star Game.
The singer was praised for his flawless style and received lots of positive comments.
Vine’s former star, Vine YouTuber: “The fits are on 10,” Taylor Caniff.