Naya RiveraWe continue to celebrate the legacy and life of.
January 12th, which would have been the actress’ 35th Birthday, was her ex-husband. Ryan DorseyFollowing her passing, they shared their grief and the ups and downs.
He wrote that he felt like he was shaking his head at least once per day, and it seemed so unbelievable, surreal, she had disappeared, in a statement. People. “It is hard to write this. Tears are coming out of my eyes. Unf–king real.”
There are moments of joy, though. He looks at his 6-year-old son and tears well up. Josey.
She knew what it was like to be willing. Josey was to share his things but she’d be so proud to see how he’ll give things he loves away to friends or donate them,” Ryan, who was married to Naya from 2014 to 2018, shared. He has a literal, laugh-out loud cackle when he watches TV. It’s just as endearing to him as hers. But his is even more. This would make everyone smile no matter their mood.