Lights, camera, fashion.
Sunday February 27, 2012, will see the 28th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at Santa Monica’s Barker Hangar.
TNT and TBS will broadcast the ceremony live, featuring some of the most prominent names from film and television, as well as other celebrities. Nicole Kidman, Andrew GarfieldJennifer Aniston going head-to-head in categories devoted entirely to acting.
For fashion lovers, however, this night marks the triumphant return to the red carpet. Due to the COIVID-19 global pandemic last year, the SAG Awards became a virtual event. One-hour-long ceremony was recorded and the winners were given advance notice so that they could tape their acceptance speeches.
The red carpet was absent, so honorees had to post their SAG glamour from their own homes via social media. Presenters and nominees this year will be able to walk the red carpet again.