While reality TV programs come and go quickly, some celebrities are as memorable onscreen as their shows.

Judge Greg Mathis is taking a break from the courtroom and ready to spend some quality time with his loved ones on the brand-new series Mathis Family MattersThe premiering of the series is June 19.

Living together in the same city for the first time in 15 years, fans will get an inside look at the day-to-day lives of the arbitrator and his family, including his wife, Linda MathisAnd, of course, the kids Jade MathisCamara Mathis WebbGreg Mathis Jr. and Amir Mathis.

When he’s not dishing out verdicts on the small screen as part of his long-running court show or helping his kids with their relationship career struggles, Judge Mathis is serving triple duty as a loving grandfather to Camara’ two daughters, Nora ZaraShe has a daughter, Judith, who she shares with her husband. Ryan Webb.

You can catch the premiere of Mathis Family Matters, Judge Mathis will soon be joining the ranks of reality TV’s most memorable fathers, alongside fellow CelebHomes reality stars, Bravo husbands, dating show hosts and more loveable dads.