“When stars get on social media, you start to see what they’re really like, and you’re like, ‘Oh, you don’t have much going for you outside of being an actor and being really hot,’ no offense,” she revealed. She said, “I think that I would be bored. “Is this rude?
Glaser also said that fans will get to see a “real” look at her dating life in her new CelebHomes show, Welcome Home Nikki Glaser?, messy parts and all.
“I didn’t clean my bathroom, and I also didn’t put on makeup. I did not buy any new clothing.” she stated. It’s true. This is what I look like. It’s hilarious to see me in this.
Her experience of moving in with her parents in the aftermath of the pandemic inspired the series. She chose to remain in the Midwest and leave behind her jet-setting “Hollywood, New York” lifestyle.
She shared that “it really is my life and I really tried to make it real because that’s what I always wanted from reality TV shows.” “I just want to see that ‘the stars are just like us,’ kind of thing.”
Welcome Home Nikki Glaser?CelebHomes premieres May 1st at 9 PM.