Priyanka & Nick were celebrating Mother’s Day May 9th. They shared that it wasn’t an easy road.
In a joint Instagram post, they shared that their little one had to spend “100 plus days in the NICU” before she was finally able to go home.
They wrote that “Every family has a unique journey and it requires a certain amount of faith.” Although ours was not an easy journey, the lessons learned are invaluable in retrospect.
It Midway Actor later called fatherhood “pretty wild” during a visit The Tonight ShowAmended May 17th, adding “You know, little girl, home is a gift!”
It turns out that Nick’s siblings gave him a special gift, which was lots of parenting advice. He laughed, saying “Yesh, everybody I know has a newborn care specialist.” Doctor, I had no idea they all had Ph.D.s.