No more pods!

It’s all about the pressure Vanessa Nick Lachey! The social experiment veterans are taking on a new hosting challenge: The Ultimatum. CelebHomes News interviewed the couple to find out why they had a huge difference in hosting. Ultimatum Love is blind.

Nick stated that it would sound strange. However, the stakes are almost higher than usual in the social experiment series. UltimatumThese are couples who have known each other for a certain period.

Ultimatum Follow six couples who are close to marriage. What’s the problem? But the catch is that one partner wants to marry another. isn’t.  A deadline is set and the couples are given just 8 weeks to choose whether they want to marry or not. The ultimatum is that each couple will pick a different potential partner than one of the others. This gives them the chance to glimpse two futures.

It sounds intense. Nick can’t disagree more.

Nick stated, “The emotion anxiety was palpable in the room, almost like you could feel, it was an emotionally roller coaster,” and we were there.