He got it from his mama—the opportunity to be an Olympic champion, that is. 

He won the gold medal at 2022 Beijing Olympics by jumping and was crowned “quad king” Nathan Chen gave a sweet shout-out to mother Hetty Wang

“Absolutely none of this would be at all remotely possible without her support,” the figure skater shared on TodayFeb. 10. He noted that there were many times in his life when his family was struggling to meet their financial needs as he pursued his dream. “Since the day I was three years old, when I was first walking on the ice, she has been there by my side every since.”
Close by, Chen recalling how his mom coached him throughout the early part of his career when they couldn’t afford a coach and even spent some nights sleeping in their car to save cash.
He shared that “she drove me back-and-forth in our trusted little Prius. So a lot miles and a lot time together.” But, he said, “but this was a result of her.”