Some examples are here AmazingGood news to share. 

Chanel West Coast exclusively confirmed to CelebHomes News she is pregnant and expecting her first child with boyfriend Dom Fenison.

It’s still unknown if this baby will be a boy or a girl. The only thing I want is a healthy and happy baby. RidiculousnessCelebHomes received a statement from star, June 2. Star said, “I am just excited for the next step in my life.” Although it is the scariest part of my life, sometimes the worst roads can lead to the best.

So far, in her first trimester, she’s experienced nausea, noting that pregnancy is “not as glamorous as some people make it seem.” The 33-year old is still receiving support from her boyfriend, a model.

She shared that “Dom” is the most calm and levelheaded man she’s ever met. Raising children can be difficult so it is important to have a calm and steady father. While he’s calm and relaxed, I am a bit more crazy. He’s the right balance for me, I believe.”