Catfish has taught us to be skeptical about everything—but this news has us cautiously optimistic.
Max JosephHe was the cohost of seven episodes of MTV’s documentary series. Nev Schulman from 2012 to 2018, is hinting that a return to the show is on the table. Max replaced Max when he decided to quit. Kamie Crawford.
Max stated that “I believe they’re holding up pretty well just the two of us, but it would have been nice and I hope we can potentially do a trio at one time.” Page Six. But I don’t know how to explain it. [now]…It probably would be fun if it did happen.”
Max and Max have teamed-up since Max left the show. Monica LewinskyExecutive produce 15 Minutes of ShameThe 2021 HBO Max documentary “Bullying and Cancel Culture”
Max explained that Max’s fans occasionally make it known they are available for Max’s services. CatfishHe will not be returning, but he is happy with his new co-host’s job since his departure.