Married at First SightFans are now one step closer in their quest to find answers regarding one public divorce.
It took more than 5 months to complete the project. Ryan Oubre Clara BerghausAnnounced their split, each party is open to discussing their sides of the story.
Ryan posted a long Instagram story on Dec. 29 breaking his silence about the divorce. Ryan, a resident of Atlanta, shared some insights into why the couple didn’t work after taking months to think about a “very difficult time” in his own life.
He said, “You cannot truly openly marry another race without wanting to understand their culture or at minimum be willing to accept it.” The Black experience and Black culture is not one-size fits all. This is a dynamic and ever-changing field that changes with the times. Ryan is black, Clara white.
Ryan continued, “What I can say is: walking into a family gathering and not speaking to anyone and scrolling through your phone will never fly and declining food (outside of a food allergy or avoidance) because you don’t like the way it looks won’t help either….Choosing not to attempt to understand and educate yourself is a red flag.”