11 p.m. Four hours of binging later, it’s time for a change of scenery, so Manny moves upstairs to grab his Nintendo Switch to “play some Super Smash Brothers and try to beat some kids online.”
Then, it’s time to take a long look at the mirror while he does his skin care routine. He says, “I’ll do it all.” Cleansing toning and serum, moisturizer, and night cream. His current rotation of favorites includes products from CosRX, Hendrickson, Paula’s Choice and a heavy retinol every four days. He said, “I love Hendrickson and I use that and then I’ll be a huge fan of a Paula’s Choice sunscreen.” “I do change my stuff a lot because I try so many things.”
He’ll entertain himself while he cleans his teeth by opening YouTube. “I just kind of scroll through [my subscription feed], and see if anything interests me,” says he. “I try to be as connected as possible without being overly stimulated.”
This is what he does to make a living. He still finds it amazing. He describes his job as “the most fun part.” “Everyone wants it, I think.”
(Originally published Oct. 21, 2021, 9:01 PT).