After all, it is really a small universe.
Only a matter of months later True ThompsonHe was photographed at Disneyland. Khloe Kardashian It was accidentally overlooked that the 3 year-old boy at the time had been actually Not there.
True’s fourth birthday was celebrated by the mother-daughter team. Khloe shared with her Instagram followers that this was True’s first time at California’s Happiest Place on Earth. She also mentioned that she and True were taking the “It’s a Small World” ride as a way to get started.
As adorable as it sounds, fans were immediately astonished by the sight, as Khloe is Khloe’s sister Kim KardashianPhotos of her daughter shared Chicago WestTrue and True were also present at Disneyland December 2021. Were social media users It is already suspicious of True’s placement in the photos—with some saying that the photo was “giving copy paste”—but now their hunch was proved to be, uh, true.
What did Khloe think about letting the cat out of the bag, after someone had tweeted “people have questions”.