Jonah HillHe is changing how he approaches his projects.

It SuperbadActor has completed his next documentary StutzJonah, his therapist and a teased movie called ‘The Psychic. The film was directed by and stars the 38-year old, but he said he would not be appearing in media to promote it.

Jonah shared his feelings in an open letter to CelebHomes News. “Through the journey of self-discovery contained within the film I have come the understanding that nearly 20 years ago I experienced anxiety attacks. These are further exacerbated when I am exposed to media and face public events.” You won’t catch me out promoting the film or any of my other films while I take this crucial step to safeguard myself.

Jonah stated that the film’s purpose was to provide therapy tools and therapy techniques to an audience. He said it through an amusing film.