You may recognize this celebrity yelling at their novice trainees during the wee hours on your TV. You might also recon her up on some walls within selected gyms, peering into your eyes furiously. Jillian Michaels, the national exercise bootcamp drill sergeant, has once again listed her home in Hollywood Hills, CA for sale. She continues to demand $2.45 million as of May 20. Is the Michaels training grounds worth all of that doh (as Homer Simpson would say)? Lets find out.
The home was built in 2000 to coincidentally celebrate the new millennium. It’s 2,701 sq ft, while the lot is 5,351 sq ft. The exterior of the two-story house alone encourages fitness, for it holds the appearance of a jungle gym for adults. You can perform parkour for hours via the gate-like fences and run back and forth to the main entrance of the house using the main flight of stairs. You may alternatively utilize the great amount of floor space within the house to trim the fat or tone your body.
The casa is a 3 bedroom and 4 bathroom, equipped with a pool, and is conveniently pre-installed with security cameras. One couldn’t ask for more, except perhaps inquire about the price being toned down a bit.
Home Address: 2180 Groveland Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 (Hollywood Hills – California)