Jesse Williams has reached a new child custody agreement with his ex-wife, Aryn Drake-Lee.

CelebHomes News has obtained documents from the courts confirming that there was a violation of this agreement. Grey’s Anatomy star and the real estate broker will continue to share legal custody of their daughter Sadie8. and son Maceo, 6, though Williams will have “tie-breaking authority over COVID-19 protocols” for the year if they cannot agree on things like vaccinations for their children.

A judge with the Los Angeles County Superior Court also granted Williams’ request to modify his custodial schedule so it aligns with his work in the Broadway production of Get Me Out this spring. The judge ruled that the actor, aged 40, will spend four consecutive days per calendar month in New York with his children, two weekends. 

Though Drake-Lee’s initial ask to reduce Williams’ custodial time was denied, the judge did approve her request that when her ex “cancels some parenting time, he cannot later ‘uncancel'” unless there is a mutual agreement in writing, according to the documents. As a result, the two parents must “meet and confer” about extracurricular activities for their children, per the docs.