Could Dakota Johnson be adding a Spider-Man spin-off to her web of work?
Maaaaaaybe. CelebHomes News is reporting that Maaaaaaybe has been in discussions to be the main character. Madame Web. According to The Hollywood Reporter, S.J. Clarkson—who’s worked on Jessica Jones, Defenders, Life on Mars other series—is set to direct the film, and Matt Sazama and Burk SharplessMarvel’s screenplay was written by. MorbiusHe wrote the script.
Madame Web (also known as Cassandra Webb) first appeared in the issue 210. Denny O’Neil John Romita Jr.‘s The Amazing Spider-Man. Though she is blind and has been diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, a “chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disorder,” describes the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America website, “that is characterized by fluctuating weakness of the voluntary muscle groups,” she’s able to use her strong psychic abilities to help the likes of Spider-Man and Spider-Woman. (Plus her husband Jonathan Webb created a chair that connects to her life support systems and resembles a giant spider web—hence the name.)