But 20 years later—and celebrating his 50th birthday on Aug. 15—the actor, director, Oscar-winning writer and producer, father and, once again, husband is crushing it much harder, and he can sense it.

His performance for 2020 professionally speaking How to get backThe role of an alcohol-dependent high school basketball coach in the aftermath of the death of his child earned him some of the most prestigious acting awards of his career. He and Matt Damon put their writing heads back together and emerged with The Last Duel, which also got good reviews but maybe just wasn’t what the popcorn-chugging crowd was looking for. And he earned a Golden Globe nomination earlier this year for Tender BarHis first acting nomination since 2007.

“I’m very happy, I’m in a very happy time in my life,” Affleck, smiling but obviously not planning to elaborate, told MoreThe premiere of Tender Bar. It’s good to live.

Affleck is also still suiting up as Batman, serving as the thread holding the DC movie galaxy together in at least one more film, plus he’s got a handful of projects lined up as an actor and/or producer, including an announced remake of Witness to the ProsecutionHe’s also making sure that we do. Click here for.