“After a long, stressful day I love spending time with Kourtney and our families,” Travis, who last year launched his own line of CBD-infused self-care products, Barker Wellness Co., told InStyle in April. “I am looking forward to the quality time that we can spend together.”

Both are the definition of geo-desirable.

“We live a block away from each other, so that’s why we’re kind of in that place of, like, ‘Everyone loves their own home!'” Kourtney observed on The Goop Podcast. “And then, the days when [my kids]At their dad’s, I am always there. It’s difficult to decide what the “right” thing is, or what the best option. “Let’s create a bunk room in each of our houses, and we’ll have enough rooms,” they say. While we are making some progress, we have to remember that everybody should be happy and feel at home.

She explained that she doesn’t feel pressure to take a quick decision or make an immediate one. Instead, we are able to relax and let our emotions guide us. If we were to find the perfect house or some other similar place, we’d do it. Everyone would feel that this is their home and not ours.