To Erin Lim RhodesIt is hard to go back to work after such a long time.
The rundownAfter her and husband’s divorce, the host was able to return to CelebHomes News for the first week. Joshua RhodesThey welcomed their first child together, a girl Saylor Cielo RhodesThis was nearly four years ago. It was November 2021.
Now, the CelebHomes personality is opening up about the ups and downs of motherhood, baby firsts and balancing parenthood and work. Read on for our exclusive Q&A with Erin, and check out her return to The rundownSnapchat is now available!
CelebHomes NEWS – How were the first four weeks of motherhood?
ELR:There have been so many emotions, both exciting and joyful and also challenging. You know what? I can’t help but cry everyday. It could be because she did an amazing thing or it’s because I’m sleep-deprived. This has been an amazing experience.
CelebHomes – Was there something that was surprising you? Or did you prepare for motherhood fully?
ELR:It was so unexpected. Everybody said “Good luck sleeping!” It’s time to say good-bye to sleep. We were excited because this was our first child. Let’s find out what all this no sleeping thing means. Then we go through it together and look at one another like “Oh yes, this is real.” What was our last night of uninterrupted sleep?