Finding one ensemble cast to bring a show about a high school soccer team that becomes cannibals after a harrowing plane crash was always going to be a challenge. You can now imagine looking for two castings to play the 1996 timeline, and the second to be the current-day survivors.
Somehow, YellowjacketsAlthough he was able stack both sets of cards, the entire process had its ups and downs. (Too soon?)
Co-creator: “It felt as if production was bearing down upon us.” Bart Nickerson said. And it was: “Oh my goodness, there are so many roles and we aren’t finding the right people” but eventually it all works out after hours of hours.
Nickerson with his partner in writing and wife Ashley LyleLyle described them as being heavily involved with the casting sessions.
“Oh, man. It’s just tough,” she said. “I feel so empathy for each person who entered the room.”
They were only casting one person to play the role of the character. However, consistency in physical appearance was important for the creative team.
“Early on we said this is a really big challenge and I think we really need to focus on the essence of the character as opposed to the specifics of their physicality,” Lyle explained, “and in a weird way, by doing that, we ended up with actors who miraculously all could look a lot alike.”
Nickerson added, “We can’t believe the cast we have.”