Jacob RapiniI rode intoBachelorette on a white horse, but his story was anything but a fairytale. 

This episode aired on July 25, 2005. BacheloretteBachelorette spoke with, a Scottsdale, Ariz.-based mortgage broker. Gabby WindeyShe said that she would not be able to stop if she were “the only one here.”

This season marks the debut in franchise history. BacheloretteJacob is a man looking to find love with two women. Rachel Recchia

Jacob shared the following Instagram message on July 28: “I am sorry to @gabby.windey that I did not take into account her feelings.” “What you said was not right for the situation. You don’t have the ability to know how someone is feeling, or what their mindspace might look like. It would be much more helpful to listen than to explain.

Though seemingly sincere, Jacob acknowledged that a social media mea culpa isn’t as good as the real thing—which he hopes to rectify in the near future.

CelebHomes News exclusively reported that he said, “I haven’t spoken to Gabby nor heard anything”, on July 28, 2008. “If asked, I will come to the Men are the best!Yes, I will personally make an apology. It will likely be far more authentic than an Instagram photo.