It’s all about the summer of sharing wine and feeling good. Nina Dobrev and Julianne Hough.
The best friends launched their own wine label in 2019, with their company Fresh Vine Wine offering premium, lower-carbAnd lower-calorie bottles that are produced in Napa, California. Dobrev (33 years old) and Hough (34) are still close friends. Dobrev told CelebHomes News exclusively that Hough introduced them to each other through their mutual hairstylist over a decade ago.
Hough said, “We ended-up going on a small friend date”, and “have not left each others’ side”.
Is there a secret that explains their unique bond?
Dobrev said, “We’re both very similar and very distinct at the same moment.” “We are stronger in ways the other isn’t. Strangely, it is possible to complete one another, which can be really wonderful.”