Warning! This article contains spoilers for This Is Us.

Katoby basically says, “This is it.”

April 5th’s episodeThis is Us, Titled “Saturday at the Park”, we can see Kate (Chrissy MetzToby (Chris SullivanThey are at the brink of their deaths. But while it may seem like they’re about to call it quits on their marriage, series producer K.J. SteinbergHe shared his opinion on where the couple stands in relation to each other.

Steinberg said that “I believe at the ending of the episode there is still hope.” Entertainment WeeklyIn an interview. There’s an awareness that there’s something that needs to change. They have reached the rubicon. If they don’t pay attention to this marriage—if they don’t give it their full focus—it’s doomed.”

“We have to get into [the next]Episode knowing that Toby and Kate are both good people,” he said. “But that love has lost in the distance, the way they’ve evolved as individuals without ever converging in their evolution.” Strangely, their lives took different routes. They realize that their lives have taken a strange turn and they need to work harder for better. It is up to them to change the world.