CBS’ The Equalizer has said goodbye to Chris NothWilliam Bishop.
The April 10, episode Queen LatifahRobyn McCall, a CIA director, finally found out why Bishop had gone missing. As it turns out, the former CIA director has been assisting the CIA on a two-month investigation into a mysterious plane crash.
With the help of Harry Keshegian (Adam GoldbergMelody Mel Bayani (Liza Lapierra), McCall discovers that her nemesis Mason Quinn (Chris VanceThe planes crashed because of a man named ‘(. He and an evil scientist discovered a method to send electromagnetic pulses through planes, knocking them out of the air. They then use this technology on the aircraft carrying Bishop, killing him and the rest of the passengers.
Noth appeared last on The EqualizerIn a Jan. 2, episode. This was recorded prior to December’s departure of the actor.
CBS stated that Chris Noth had been fired as a star in the series with a Dec. 20, 20 statement. “Chris Noth won’t continue filming additional episodes of the CBS Series,” CBS said. The EqualizerThis is effective immediately