Harry StylesCould make the prom night memorable for this fan. 

Anna CartyHarry’s “As It Was” singer was so beloved that she had to invite her to join him at the dance. Capital FM DJ Katy JExplained in video. The Scottish SunAnna reached out to her Scottish local radio station for help in arranging her invitation to Harry. The request was passed on to the One Direction member himself. After learning that Anna was in need of a date, Harry—whose June 11 show in Glasgow is conveniently two days after Anna’s prom—recorded a message with his RSVP.

“Anna, how is it going? Harry Styles is here. Hello!” “Hello!” he said in the recording. Anna heard it live on June 2nd. Harry stated, “Look Katy J sent on your invitation to the prom. I’m certain it will be a great Scottish party.” Please send me details to let me know if you’d like to join.