Rosheuvel used a cardboard plastic to cut down on the time it took to prepare, although some days were still difficult.

“I would say on a bad day—which is a good day because it’s a ball,” she said, “it would take about two and a half hours.”

The neck pain was worth it in the end, as Rosheuvel loves being a part of Shonda RhimesIt is “an incredible world to live in,” according to Shondaland.

“It’s positive. It’s friendly. “There’s so, SO, SO much love in that universe,” she said. It’s a privilege to be part of that world.

Part of that “amazing world” comes from the show’s diverse cast of characters, something the actress finds very important to see on TV.

We want contemporary stories. We desire stories that show the current world. “We want diversity and we want inclusion,” she stated. The show’s success worldwide and its popularity shows that viewers are expressing this desire in their storytelling.

BridgertonThe second season is streaming now on Netflix.