It Game of Thrones spin-off Bloodmoon The project cost $30million to produce, yet it is unlikely that anyone will ever see it.
As a follow-up Game of ThronesHBO, eager to explore the rest of the world after its eight-season run came to an end. Here are some other highlights. Bloodmoon,The pilot was created during The Long Night period of Westeros history. It was also the first HBO prequel to order a pilot. The pilot was centered around the wedding of a Southern couple to their Northern counterparts. George R.R. MartinSubmitted The Hollywood Reporter “and it got into the whole history of the White Walkers.”
HBO Executive Vice President Francesca Orsi noted that the network was intrigued by the pilot, describing it as “different, with unique world-building.” Tonally, it felt sophisticated, intelligent and adult. There was also a conversation about the disenfranchisement of the colonial and religious extremist areas at its center.
It was a difficult project, particularly since Martin had not written about this period in a lot. The author himself admitted, “BloodmoonThis was not an easy task. It’s a very primitive culture. “There were not yet dragons.”