Note: Sexual assault is discussed in this story.

Threety-years later Gabrielle Union is continuing to navigate life after a traumatic event.

It The Dozen is CheaperIn an Instagram posting on June 7, the actress shared some personal stories about her struggles with anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This was after her rape at the age of 19. 

She began her article by saying, “As a rape victim, I have suffered from PTSD for over 30 years.” It has been difficult to live with panic attacks and anxiety for so many years. Sometimes, anxiety can be so severe that it causes me to shrink my life. 

Union said that leaving her house or even making an unprotected left turn at a traffic signal can “fill me with terror.” Her anxiety can also turn her excitement about going to a party, such as the Met Gala, into “pure agony.” 

We will be honest with you when we reveal what our feelings are to you,” she said. “It’s not about being anxious. Everybody experiences anxiety differently. That’s okay.