Fred Savagea fired The Wonder Years.
Savage worked on the show as an executive producer, director, and was eventually fired after an investigation into misconduct allegations, CelebHomes News has been informed.
A spokesperson for Fred Savage stated in a statement that “recently we became aware of allegations regarding Fred Savage’s improper conduct.” After the investigation was completed, it was decided to end his employment as executive producer and director. The Wonder Years.”
The specific allegations were not addressed by the company, however. Deadline reports the claims allegedly included “verbal outbursts and inappropriate behavior.”
CelebHomes News reached out to Savage’s lawyer but did not hear back.
Savage was sued in 2018 for gender harassment, assault and battery, as well as discrimination. YoungJoo HwangFox’s costumer,. GrinderSavage was featured in “The Savage Show,” which also starred Hwang. Hwang stated that Savage was aggressive, intimidating, and used profanities to harass female employees unchecked. Variety.
Hwang was disbarred in 2019 after they reached an agreement outside of court. Savage denied her accusations.