Daisy Jones & The SixThis is your new TV Musical obsession.
Based on the 2019 novel of the same name written by Taylor Jenkins ReidAmazon Prime Video will also feature the story of the implosion and rise to power of the 1970s rock band Daisy, as well as the Amazon Prime Video series.
The novel was optioned for a TV show before it even hit shelves, and not just by Amazon Studios—Reese WitherspoonThe Hello Sunshine banner of’s is also on the helm. As Reese said in 2018, “As soon as I started reading Daisy Jones & The SixIt was the first thing that I fell in love with.
Amazon has made it possible for me to bring this book to you. Jen Salke“She continued, “whose passion for the material spoke volumes.” “With [Scott] NeustadterAnd [Michael H.] WeberTwo writers whom I admire greatly, are stewarding the project. I’m so sure that Daisy and her band will make a lasting impression on viewers all over the globe.