Homeland Security Investigations eventually discovered Armstrong had flown from Newark to San Jose, Costa Rica, on May 18 using a fraudulent passport, according to the U.S. The June 30 release by Marshals. Filla claimed July 7th that Armstrong’s passport belonged in person.

U.S. and Costa Rican authorities remained in touch as she passed through several cities, visiting a yoga studio at one point, Filla continued. Armstrong used aliases, and cut and dyed her hair to avoid detection, he said, and they were investigating a report from a Costa Rican news outlet that alleged she had plastic surgery while she was there as well.

Armstrong was brought back to Texas by her husband on July 2, and she was held on $3.5 million bail. In her booking photo, Armstrong was seen with darkened hair.

Filla stated that Filla was relieved when Filla was informed she had been detained.

Wilson’s relatives, which had been very silent during the investigation, stated in a statement that they were relieved to see this stage of uncertainty behind them and trust justice will prevail.