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CelebHomes News is the place to go if fashion really means you can express yourself. Nina Parker should be in bold, bright and, frankly, badass designs.

Too bad she doesn’t have these options. The author says that plus-sized women are being told to “hide” because of their size. Evening PopHost explains her greatest gripe. They’re too feminine, and something that my aunties would wear. I’m like, ‘I don’t understand why big has to mean conservative.'”

Or, honestly, unworthy. Time and again, while hunting for something—Anything— to wear on CelebHomes’s red carpet, she’d find her options limited to black and basic silhouettes, making her wonder, where the heck was all the pizazz? Nina said that Nina’s stylist was trying to get her something off the rack. It wasn’t similar to what she had. “It felt really unfair, like, ‘Yes, I am bigger than them, but does that mean I don’t matter as much because my waist is bigger?'”

Um, no.