You Keep it Real
During the opening monologues, Dolly also kept things light and joked that she hates “anything fake.” The host called her cohosts the “real deal” JoleneThe artist said, “I love to laugh and we’ll have a lot of fun tonight.”
Ukraine: Love
Dolly made it a point to acknowledge the conflict in Ukraine, despite the laughter throughout the evening. “Now, I don’t want to be political and this is not—I’d rather pass a kidney stone than do that—but I want us to send our love and hope to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine,” she told the crowd, “so why don’t we just dedicate this entire show to them and pray for peace around this crazy, old world?”
Funny Bunny
Co-hosts of Dolly couldn’t resist referencing the iconic song by Dolly. PlayboyWhen she spoke about her long and illustrious career, cover. Gabby commented, “It doesn’t seem like your never really run out steam,” Jimmie countered, “Yeah you’re sort of like an Energizer Bunny but you look more like a Playboy Bunny.”
Dolly responded with the most perfect answer: “Aww!” You’re both honey bunnies, I think.
The Old School
Gabby told Dolly that Gabby had recently celebrated her 22nd Birthday. Dolly laughed at her age. “I was born at the top of a mountain in Tennessee. She said that she was born January 19, but did not mention her birth year. Let me say this: Davy Crockett“I took me to the prom of my high school, if you need any more information.”