Nayte, for his part, also dismissed breakup speculations with a short video. On TikTok, the Canadian sales executive joked that “90% of my DMs” had been questions about Michelle since rumors of trouble in paradise started to spread.
Michelle is missing. Is she still there? You are so mad at her. he said in a video, seemingly mocking some of the comments he’s received. “Like, physical location—where is she? Where is Michelle, Nayte?!”
Michelle and Nayte have been relying on one another since their engagement. As Michelle explained to CelebHomes News in February about their relationship, “It’s been really nice to be able to be out in the public because I feel we both understand what each other is going through, having this instant fame kind of scenario.”
She is a true love. Nayte added about the pressures of fame, “People are going to say whatever they want to say. We’re living our lives. This doesn’t bother us at all.