Demi LovatoIt has been installed Shawn Mendes‘ shoes.

In a recent interview, the “Anyone” singer shared why they’re rooting for Shawn following his announcement that he’s postponing several dates on his WonderHis mental health is his top priority.

Shawn, my heart is broken. I understand what it feels like to be on the road without being ready. I know what it’s like to feel overworked or burnt out,” Demi explained during an episode of Karson & Kennedy Talk with Famous PeopleAudacy’s Mix104.1. “That’s never fun, but when you think about mental health it can be really hard. He has my heartfelt sympathy.”

The 29-year-old—who began touring when they were just 15—discussed both the mental and physical toll that performing can have on an artist.

They said, “It has been four years since my last tour and it’s a very different time in my life.” It’s important to get in shape and make sure I have the stamina for singing. Touring is a time-consuming task that requires a lot preparation.