Conversations with FriendsWhile the time is over, we still have much to discuss.

Furthermore, answers are needed regarding the ambiguous end. For those who’ve yet to tune in, after calling off their extramarital affair, Frances (Alison OliverNick (Joe AlwynThey seem to be able to get on with their lives and put energy and time into meaningful relationships.

As the final episode ends, Nick accidentally calls Frances. Frances then yells, “Come and Get Me!”

Is this a sign that the couple is ready for a new, more toxic relationship? Joe and Alison answered our questions and you may be surprised at their responses.

CelebHomes News exclusive: Alison said that she doesn’t believe the episode is saying, “Let’s go back at square one or let’s start all over.” The abrupt end to their relationship in episode 11 was not on Alison’s terms. It was clear that she felt so overwhelmed and that so many things were occurring. “There is still some closure.”