The Sunset Selling‘s Christine QuinnAfter an attempted break in at her Los Angeles home, March 4, she is sharing her details.
In an Instagram Stories posting, the agent stated that she and her husband were real estate agents. Christian RichardThey were still asleep when the noises woke them up.
Quinn stated that the noises became louder and more intense and she didn’t understand what was happening. Quinn saw two men trying to smash through the glass of her window, according to security footage.
Quinn and Richard’s windows are strong and secure, she said. The individuals couldn’t get in because of this. Quinn said that Quinn called 911 immediately and officers were there “within minutes.”
Quinn who was pleased to welcome son said, “We entered our baby’s bedroom and locked it immediately. The cops arrived instantly.” Christian Georges DumontetRichard with Richard in May last year. “And because the robbers weren’t able to break into our house or any of our windows because they’re double- triple-paned windows—I mean, we take very serious precautions—they decided to leave and they left.”