CelebHomes: What message do you want to send to trans youth today?
AF: While they’re receiving awful messages from their governments, their schools and sometimes their parents and media, I hope they’re also getting to see trans adults who are happy and at home with their families and bodies. Know that they are just as valuable as everyone else, and that their identities can be used, desired, and accepted in this world.
RF: The messages we send now are the messages they’re going to carry with them. Although I am not transgender, the hurtful comments that teachers, family, and strangers made to me when I was a gay child, are still with me.
It’s unfair for little kids to feel ashamed about their inner selves and be confused about it. It’s my hope that trans children can be authentic with who they are in their early years, rather than waiting until later in life to figure this out.
We are open to answering any questions you may have. We’re always available to communicate with you and are happy to offer our assistance.
AF: You are always invited to get in touch with anyone. You can also find many other trans fathers out there [Freddy McConnell, Bennett Kaspar Williams, Kayden Coleman, Danny Wakefield]Who are doing lots of advocacy and work.
Your presence is important to the world.