We don’t mean to judge—but sounds like this man had been up to no good! 

On the 17 March episode of Law & Order—starring Anthony AndersonJeffrey Donovan  Camryn Manheim—a family court judge is murdered, but an investigation proves that this lawmaker wasn’t necessarily an upstanding member of society. An exclusive sneak peak of the episode shows this clearly. Detectives Kevin Bernard and Frank Cosgrove (Donovan), investigate the numerous grievances levelled against the judge.

In the clip, Frank tells Lieutenant Kate Dixon (Manheim) that the judge had been promoting the Greater Manhattan University of Law, “an unaccredited for–profit” university.

“But, why would a judge support a fraud operation such as that?” She asks. Frank replies, “Because the School paid him 10 Grand.”

He’s really that difficult up? “Really, he’s that hard up?” she replies. She said, “It’s likely that he makes 250 per year.”

Bernard says, “Maybe”, as he enters the room and looks through a file. Financial Crimes says he was insolvent. He had practically zero savings. After taking out a second mortgage in the last year, there was virtually no savings. All three credit cards were maxed out. He was nearly a millionaire, and he was in deep debt.