This date group is for the elite among the elite.
CelebHomes News Exclusive Sneak Peek of Jan. 24, EpisodeThe Bachelor, Clayton Echard and some of the ladies, including Melina, Sierra, Shanae, Rachel R., Gabby, Kira, Lyndsey W., Teddi Elizabeth, head to the beach on a group date.
Melina points out that Clayton would love to take Melina to the beach. Someone pinch me, I’m probably dreaming. We’re there, oh wait!
However, the women go beyond just consuming Vitamin D. Nicole Eggert—from the legendary television series Baywatch—On an ATV, he pulls up to the shore.
“Ladies, I am so excited to introduce you to Nicole Eggert,” Clayton says to the women. And she is an expert on falling in love while at the beach.
Being a lifeguard can be compared to being in a romantic relationship. Nicole also shares her experiences with the group. Nicole shares her experience with the group: “I am going to train you in lifeguarding so get to those cabanas to change.”
It looks like they will need to train their slow-motion running.