Elizabeth Corrigan is offering some pointers on how to respond when someone discloses a mental illness.

The Bachelor contestant shared a five-step guide with her TikTok followers on Tuesday, Jan. 11, captioning the clip, “It’s okay to not be okay.” The contestant stated that anyone who shares information about their mental health should: “acknowledge the situation,” “thank them,” “understand what you don’t understand,” and “be kind.”

Elizabeth’s TikTok was shown after Monday night’s episode. Shanae Ankney Telled Bachelor Clayton Echard that Elizabeth was “two-faced.” This conclusion was reached by Shanae after she had spoken to Elizabeth about feeling ignored. 

Clayton naturally asked Elizabeth whether this was the case, prompting another conversation between them. It was at that point that Elizabeth explained she has ADHD and can’t always focus, saying, “It’s really hard for me to have multiple auditory inputs because I can’t process the information.”