AshantiRemembers her childhood with a fondness that is second to none
The 41-year old was not a popular performer long before she performed “Rock Wit U”, and other big hits for thousands. She started out as a teenager at school, who felt different from the rest of her classmates.
Ashanti shared her memories with CelebHomes News, “Growing as a child having a unique name was a wonderful experience.” “I can remember that there was circle-time and the teacher would call names. The kids would go, ‘Why doesn’t her name sound like this or that?'”
Ashanti was inspired by these experiences to create her first children’s book. My Name is a Story an empowering tale about a girl who learns to love her unique name. This is a path Ashanti has experienced firsthand.
“My name originates in Ghana,” she explained. Sometimes, women in countries outside of Ghana are low up on the totem pole. There is a tribe called the Ashanti, and it’s made up of women who run the affairs. This means “woman of strength” and it was perfect for me.”