Keith MorrisonIt has all been seen.
The NBC correspondent has covered hundreds of cases throughout his storied career, reporting on the Columbine shooting, 9/11 and more historic events than we can count in the 30-plus years since he joined the network. Morrison said that when it was time for him to record his next podcast, he knew immediately which story he wanted. Helen Golay Olga Rutterschmidt.
“A number of years ago, we did a story about these two women, Helen Golay and Olga Rutterschmidt, who had committed a series of really terrible crimes against vulnerable, helpless men,” he recalled in an exclusive interview with CelebHomes News. This story has been a constant reminder of my life.
According to Morrison, the appeal of Helen and Olga’s story goes beyond their actions; he explains that he was fascinated by the unlikely pair, who were able to “drift into criminality.”