If you’ve ever watched a celebrity reality show or looked through a few pages of a People magazine, and you’ve probably found yourself amazed by celebrity homes. From the way that they are decorated to the incredible features they have, it’s not long before you start wishing you had a home like that of your own.
Even though your budget may not be as big as a Kardashian’s budget, it doesn’t mean you can’t make it look like you are one.
It all comes down to knowing the right additions to make to your home to make it look like it’s celebrity-worthy. If you’re looking for some of the best tips for decorating your home like a star, then keep reading.
Let Plenty Of Light In
One of the first things that you’ll notice about celebrity homes is that there’s no lack of light coming in. Light is one of the most effective ways to make a space look glamorous and spacious.
Drape your windows so that they allow plenty of light to come through while still giving you some privacy. When choosing the color of your curtains, make sure that you choose something light. Darker curtains won’t do you any favors in terms of making your home look more glamorous.
Organize Your Closet
Many people can admit that their favorite part of celebrities’ homes are their closets. Let’s face it, celebrities have lots of clothes! Even though you might not have the same walk in space as your favorite star, the next best thing is organizing your closet like they would.
Go in your closet and sort things by color and season. Create areas of your closet that are only for certain items. For example, one part of your closet should only be for sweaters, and each shelf should only be for certain types of shoes. Separate and organize, and your closet will instantly look more expensive.
Tidy Things Up
If there’s one thing you won’t see in a magazine spread of a celebrity’s home, it’s a mess. One of the biggest reasons why celebrities’ homes look so perfect is because they’re so darn clean! Keeping your home organized and tidy is one of the best ways to give it a beautiful glow. In addition to deep cleaning, you should also steer clear of clutter. Clutter will only create more work and detract from your decor.
Try to limit the number of things that you have on display, and you’ll find that sleek minimalism will bring you one step closer to having a home like a celebrity.
By applying these tips, you’ll be able to achieve a celebrity-looking home in no time!