The back story is briefly touched upon before things get weird for Heather, Josh and Mike in the woods, but Myrick and Sánchez have said they wouldn’t mind fleshing out the lore in another film. It’s being assembled by the townpeople. Blair Witch Project And in the companion documentary Curse of the Blair Witch: In 1785, a woman named Elly Kedward was accused of witchcraft in Blair, Md.—later Burkittsville—after she was discovered pricking the fingers of children to let their blood. She was convicted and sent to the woods where she was tied to a tree and left there. By the following winter, half the town’s children had disappeared.
Heather was told by a local that Robin Weaver, a young boy, disappeared into the woods. She then returned three days later to her grandma’s porch. She “babbled something about an old lady whose feet never touched ground.” His fishing companion said that he had once seen a “white misty thing” rising from the water.
Five men went out looking for Robin. They were found at what came to be known as Coffin Rock, one man’s hands bound to another’s feet and so on, each gutted and with indecipherable writing carved into his face. The search party who found them had already left. These are themThey went to seek help, and when they returned, the bodies had vanished.
Then children started disappearing in 1940. An old hermit named Rustin Parr came out of the woods one day and told the townspeople, “I’m finally finished.” Although no one knew what he was referring to, police searched his cabin where they found seven bodies. In court Parr said he had only done what the old lady ghost had told him to do.
Heather hears from another woman that she heard a tale about two hunters who went camping, but then vanished without a trace. Additionally, the not-so-“crazy” Mary Brown says she was out fishing with her father one day when she felt a presence, then saw what looked like a woman, cloaked in a shawl that she opened to reveal hair all over her body, like a horse.
Seven piles with rocks are discovered by the filmmakers while wandering through the woods. Later, they return to camp to find three piles of stones in the woods. One for each.