We’re going to admit it. 2021 is sometimes neck-and-neck with 2020 when we look at the years that we would most like to be in the back. But amid the social distancing, home schooling and still-very-much-present coronavirus pandemic, there have been more than a few bright spots.
Britney SpearsThe Friends were reunited after he was released. Jennifer Lopez Ben AffleckAll of us viewed the “Jenny From the Block” video frame-by–frame.
CelebHomes News would like to know from you dear reader, before turning the page on 2018 (and we mean scroll to 2022 in your phone). How did you get down this rabbit hole of the Internet? These headlines made even the dullest weeks more interesting. We invite you to vote for what matters most through December 31st. Celebrities-land is this. Let’s send 2021 off in style—and then maybe lock the door.